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Event - Jumpstart Your Marketing Workshop$197

  • Total payment
  • 1xEvent - Jumpstart Your Marketing Workshop$197

All prices in USD

Build your business into a smooth-running and PROFITABLE machine quickly by doing a LOT more MARKETING!
This workshop is perfect for you if you: 

  • Want to develop and repurpose more of the right kinds of content that attracts your ideal clients
  • Want to build a larger following on social media, a bigger email list, a community of fans and loyal clients 
  • Want to make a TON more money this year (double, triple?) 
  • Are open to new, fresh and possibly outrageous ideas that I may present and suggest 
  • Want to Position yourself as more of an expert using your website as the hub of your business as well as expanding and improving your social media positioning 
  • Want to create more automated marketing and sales systems so as you do more 
  • Build up the confidence to be more visible, get out there more, and talk about yourself and what you’ve got to offer too because without this the rest is worthless to learn 
  • Want to hire a few key team members here to help you implement more and get in front of a lot of people with all these new marketing activities

It happens LIVE ON ZOOM with Master Business & Marketing Coach, Katrina Sawa, Thursday, August 17th from 12-3 pm PDT.
